jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Finally the issue is out, took some time, and a lot of work, a ton of thanks to all the artists that collaborated, and we hope more will come in the future :D, as you see this issue is dedicated to our beloved JEM & THE HOLOGRAMS, enjoy it and see ya next time, i hope it can be in two months from now :D!!

Finalmente el numero salio :D, tamos muy contentos y agradecidos a todos los artistas que colaboraron y la modelo que puso toda la energia y la buena onda! Como ven este numero esta dedicado a Jem & The holograms, esperemos que les guste, y cualquiera que quiera participar ponganse en contacto con nosotros via mail, muchas gracias! :D

More photos will be added in the future, keep in touch ;)