jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009

Finally the issue is out, took some time, and a lot of work, a ton of thanks to all the artists that collaborated, and we hope more will come in the future :D, as you see this issue is dedicated to our beloved JEM & THE HOLOGRAMS, enjoy it and see ya next time, i hope it can be in two months from now :D!!

Finalmente el numero salio :D, tamos muy contentos y agradecidos a todos los artistas que colaboraron y la modelo que puso toda la energia y la buena onda! Como ven este numero esta dedicado a Jem & The holograms, esperemos que les guste, y cualquiera que quiera participar ponganse en contacto con nosotros via mail, muchas gracias! :D

More photos will be added in the future, keep in touch ;)

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2009

Photos by VIK!
Photos by VIK!
Photos by VIK!
Photos by VIK!

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2009

Heather mix show me

Outragerous! from Erikus on Vimeo.

by Heather

Music Selection for this issue:

College – Teenage Color (199 Chatarz remix)
Marina and the Diamonds - I Am Not A Robot (Starsmith's 24 Carat Remix)
Minitel Rose - Continue (Maethelvin remix)
Electric youth - Replay (Cyndi Seui Remix)
Anoraak – Talking in your sleep (Romantics cover)
Fitz and the Tantrums – Breaking the chains of love (Keenhouse remix)
Combo – Just Change (Loose shus remix)
Sounds of arrows – M.A.G.I.C. (cof cof remix)
Eclier – Alpha River
Cinnamon Chasers – I like watching you (Diamond cut remix)

Compiled by Nick - Hope you enjoy it!

You can download the file from here
Choose Save as
Podes bajar el archivo con la musica a tu pc seleccionando guardar como.

All music used is only for promotional use, please support the artists!
Toda la musica publicada es solo para fines promocionales, por favor apoya los artistas!

In love with Sound of Arrows

The Sound of Arrows - Into the Clouds (Music video) from The Sound of Arrows on Vimeo.

A video that we have fallen in love with, please support the artist and buy the music!
Un video del que nos hemos enamorado, por favor apoya al artista y compra su musica!

Esta sección está enteramente dedicada al acto de compartir.
Le pedimos a varios amigos artistas que nos dediquen un poster. A modo lúdico dimos una consigna pero la técnica e interpretación son completamente libres.
Hacemos esto porque nos encanta compartir y también interactuar con un medio que se presta para esto.
Si te interesa participar de nuestra sección de colaboraciones, por favor comunicate con nosotros al e-mail que ponemos a continuación, wearenickandheather@gmail.com y te enviaremos otro con los datos para poder participar en la próxima publicación.
Nos encantaría ver tus trabajos!

He aquí nuestras colaboraciones para este número hologramático.

This section is entirely dedicated to the act of sharing.
We asked several artist friends to dedicate a poster to us. We playfully gave some instructions but the technique and interpretation were completely free.
We do this because we love to share and interact with a medium that's suitable for this.
If you're interested in this section, please send us an e-mail (wearenickandheather@gmail.com) and we'll answer with the information on how to be a part of the next issue.
We'd love to see your work!

Here are our collaborations for this hologramatic issue.

To Nick with love

by Heather

To Heather with love

by Nick

viernes, 7 de agosto de 2009